30 Day No Sugar Challenge

Will anybody join me?  I know its not very popular.  Most people I talk to about this would rather be shot!  I’ve done it before and trust me it’s worth it!  It didn’t take long for a wonderful feeling of wellbeing to envelop me.  More surface effects were clearer skin, better sleep, no joint pain, more energy, consistent energy, better concentration and better digestion.  The biggest advantage of eliminating sugar though, is that I gradually began to taste the real and natural flavour of food and all the complexities of the flavours.  Believe it or not when I had something sugary after 30 days of not eating sugar, it actually made me feel sick.

Another very unexpected perk that I experienced was developing an amusement for reading labels.  If you’re ever in the grocery store and notice that one of each product ingredient label is facing the isle rather than the full graphic label touting ‘sugar free’ or ‘fat free’ or ‘low sodium’, it’s likely I was there before you.  I’m very serious about the challenge so am always on the lookout for hidden sugars such as maltose, molasses, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, evaporated cane juice, organic cane sugar (just because it is organic doesn’t mean it’s good for you!), invert sugar, raw sugar, sucrose, brown sugar, corn sweetener  (list from ’30 Day Shake-the-Sugar Challenge’) on the ingredients list.

Unfortunately over the last six months I’ve drifted back to my old ways but I’m up for the challenge again.

So starting today I did not eat sugar and will not eat sugar for the next 29 days (at least). Obviously that will include things such as candy, cookies and desserts. But I also plan on eliminating fruit (will have one per day after one week) and juice, sweetened beverages, flavoured coffee; alcohol; breads, crackers and cereal; mains that are sweetened (usually in the sauces); salads with dried fruit and/or sweetened dressings. And no artificial sweetener.  Personally I think artificial sweetener is worse for you than refined sugar.

It is very easy for me to forget my commitment, so I set myself up with some reminders.  There is a reminder note ‘NO SUGAR’ where I will see it first thing in the morning and last thing before going to bed.  I also set a daily reminder to pop up several times a day on my google calendar to repeat for 30 days that says ‘NO SUGAR’.  I put a ring on a finger where I don’t usually wear one. The constant unfamiliar sensation serves as a distraction to remind me of my challenge.  It is the same idea as the classic idea of tying a string around your finger. After a couple of days my body will get used to the sensation so I have to change it up a bit. Perhaps wear a bracelet or toe ring.  This is not overkill.  The first time I tried this I was shocked at how many times I put something in my mouth without even thinking about it.

I’m not going to lie, my previous experience proved that the first 3 to 4 days (and holidays) are brutal and I will eat much more of everything else to try and fill the craving.  But I know that after a week, all the benefits  will start to kick in and it will be much easier.  Not only did I feel physically marvellous, but I started to feel emotionally well and proud of my accomplishment.  I don’t even know one other person who has done without sugar for 30 days, let alone try.

Inserted from Philosophy Wall website

I can’t take all the credit for my accomplishment though.  My Naturopathic Doctor, Samantha Ristumaki, has been trying to convince me for almost three years to stop eating sugar.  She finally won and I’m glad she did.  Now that I know how wonderful it feels, I am more likely to have the courage and desire to stay on or hop back on the wagon if I fall off.

8 thoughts on “30 Day No Sugar Challenge

  1. I tend to avoid artificial sugar and am pretty good about it. I don’t crave it anymore. However, I’m being more conscious about my fruit intake too. I’m thinking about finding more ways to switch veggies in place of a fruit snack (i.e. baby carrots instead of an apple some days). Good luck!

    • Thanks for your support Laura. It’s taking a bit longer for the cravings to go away this time. It’s been over a week now and the longer I go the more determined I am to continue. Good luck on your journey. It’s sooooo worth it!

    • Thanks for you encouragement. It really is amazing how different food tastes when you haven’t had sugar for over a week. I just had a couple of grapes after dinner tonight and they tasted as if I had put a candy in my mouth.

  2. Pingback: Procrastination Addiction | Creating a Positive Lifestyle

  3. Pingback: No Sugar Update | Creating a Positive Lifestyle

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