About Me

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been curious about what makes people tick.  Not just about what they think, but their deep rooted character, their passions and goals, their occupation, their familial relations, their spirituality, their physical and emotional health and how life has affected them………………… then how these aspects have affected their lifestyle and overall well being.

I’m a hands-on learner so those ‘everyday’ people who let me pick their brain are my best teachers.  Reading books and talking to professionals have also been helpful but can become overwhelming with ‘shoulds’.  There are not enough hours in the day, or days in the year for all the things we ‘should’ do to be an overall rounded person according to ‘them’.  Thinking back, I’m surprised to notice that advertising*, fictional movies and books have added to my learning base in a fairly significant way. My blog is all about my discoveries, beliefs, and what life means to me as well as my hope to encounter other  interesting teachers along the way.

I love this little video from Dove* about self discovery.

You can also find me on:

Twitter Lyn_Sauberli
Google +

Hope to see you there!


One thought on “About Me

  1. Hi Lyn
    That is quite an amazing video on this post. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. All the best in the New Year.
    Keep in touch. When it is spring and I can take my bike out again, I might she you on the trails.


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