
If i ever get fortunate enough to receive significant traffic on my blog site, i’d like to inform those who would like to leave comments of my blog comment policy.   I have no formal training on any of the topics discussed here.  The content on my site is my personal opinion based on life experience, unless otherwise stated or quoted.  Furthermore none of my posts or pages are intended to advertise any individual, agency or products that may be mentioned.  They are simply things of interest/use to me that I would like to share with others who may also find them intriguing.

I am very fortunate to have super nice friends who tell me my blog is funny, entertaining and interesting, which I am happy to hear.  But I would also like to hear ways that it can be improved or expanded upon.  I’d like to hear what you have to say about my content – the good, the bad and/or the ugly. I.e. your constructive criticism and opinions are welcome and appreciated.   If you feel so inclined to use the comment feature I would like to offer you the following guidelines:

DETAILS:  Please be as specific as possible with your comments i.e. be my teacher.

PERSONAL:  I’d love to hear your opinion and experiences relating to any of my content.

EXPAND:  If there are any areas you think could have more content please feel free to add it or let me know and I will do a bit more research.

QUESTION:  Perhaps something is not clear or you’re sceptical about the content.  Please feel free to question what you read here.

It may be necessary to revise this policy from time to time if inappropriate comments arise with the usual rights to block or deny content.  But in the meantime I will keep my policy relevant to what is happening now.

I’m also including here a link to the WordPress News Blog Comment Guidelines.

Thanks so much for your consideration.

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